are a rather divers, mostly good-natured group of composers, sound designers, sound engineers, consultants and project managers. In our Germany based studios in Berlin and the FrankfurtRheinMain metropolitan area we’re usually a handful of people – depending on who’s on vacation, parental leave or somewhere lost in the woods to capture THAT sound.
Add to this a number of friends all over the world who represent us abroad, the good people of Universal Music (UPPM) who also represent us occasionally, the trusted group of freelancers we take aboard when the going gets rough and a strong number of native-speakers and musicians …
Some say we’re manic about audio. We actually prefer particular. Our clients seem to like this: The vast majority of drafts (actually more than 8 out of 10) that withstand our internal evaluation and are eventually presented to our clients find final approval right away. No changes. Nada.
Yes, we are fascinated everyday anew by all artistic aspects of our vocation! But with just the same verve we are die-hard service providers. We keep due dates fixed, communication lines open and costs as favorable for you as possible. Not few of our clients are of the opinion that (besides our sound, of course) this is what really separates us from the competition.